
Muestrario de Nueva Granada

12 objetos modelados en arcilla cruda, cerámica y cerámica esmaltada. Abril 2016. 

Galería Gabriela Mistral. Santiago, Chile. 

Estos objetos son una traducción de observaciones de la flora colombiana durante una residencia de 3 meses en dicho país. La creación de este inventario personal es después manipulado a través de abstracciones o exageraciones de formas y texturas para moldear las esculturas híbridas. Dicho ejercicio hace eco con las primeras expediciones a Nueva Granada en los siglos XVIII y XIX, donde se pretendían que estas observaciones fueran “objetivas”, pero fallando en su intento. A su vez, la vitrina de la galería acentúa la idea de especímenes recolectados. 

Samples of New Grenade

12 pieces of unfired clay, ceramics and glazed ceramics. April 2016.

Galería Gabriela Mistral. Santiago, Chile. 

This piece is a translation of the Colombian flora (New Grenade -Nueva Granada-, was the name given to Colombia by the European settlers). During my stay I focused in observing vegetable species native to the country, creating a personal inventory of local flora, and from there a series of ceramic pieces that reclaimed and incorporated the textures and shapes of these different plants. These references are presented in an exaggeration or deformed manner, echoing the exercise of Europeans, who intended objective descriptions of America, but failing in their execution. 

These objects were located in the shop window of the gallery, where people passed and stopped to observe, enhancing the aspect of an inventory brought back from Colombia. Visually, there exists a double reading, where the spectators observe these pieces from afar, but as seen in the picture; the inventory can become a part of the streets and the urban landscape.   


Traducción naturalista / Natural Translation (2018)


Tropical (Jebe) / Tropic (2016)